Campingcard Iceland



Just before entering the west part of Reyðarfjörður village, you will be greeted by an attractive pond which is also within the campsite area. Showers, toilets, a washing machine and electricity are all available, and it is only a short distance to Olís petrol station, where those with camping vehicles can dispose of sewage. During the summer season, tourist information is available at the Icelandic Wartime Museum, on Heiðarvegur street. Above the residential area, you will find the Wartime Museum in buildings on the left, which were left behind by the foreign occupation
troops from World War II. This museum explains a great deal about the atmosphere and events of the war and how it influenced the Icelandic people. To get a better idea of the atmosphere during
the Second World War, you might want to visit on the last weekend of June and participate in the Military Occupation Day, which is celebrated at the Icelandic Wartime Museum.
Fjarðabyggð Golf Club operates a 9-hole golf course on the westernmost part of town. Reyðarfjörður is the geographic center of Fjarðabyggð municipality, connected to Eskifjörður and Norðfjörður in the northeast and to Fáskrúðsfjörður, Stöðvarfjörður and Breiðarfjörður in the southeast. Reyðarfjörður is one of the seven villages that comprise the municipality of Fjarðabyggð.

Further information on the web:

General information

Address Búðareyri
ZIP / City 730 Reyðarfirði
Tel +354 776 0063
Open between 15 May – 15 September

Service on site

Other Camping sites in East Iceland


735 Eskifjörður

15 May – 15 September



Viðskiptavinir athugið að áður auglýstir opnunartímar tjaldsvæða getur breyst með hliðsjón af tilmælum stjórnvalda um samkomubann.

Beðist er velvirðingar á þeim óþægindum sem þetta kann að hafa í för með sér.


Opening dates and hours of camping sites might be changed due to government action for COVID19.


Die Öffnungszeiten der Campingplätze können aufgrund staatlicher Maßnahmen für COVID19 geändert werden.
