Campingcard Iceland

East Iceland - NORÐFJÖRÐUR


Located in the upper part of town on Víðimýri street, Neskaupstaður campsite provides an exceptionally scenic view. It is also located alongside the large avalanche protection dam below Drangagil ravine, so you can enjoy an even greater panorama over the town, mountains and bay by walking up onto the dam. The Neskaupstaður Museum House is a beautifully restored building down by the old harbor, and right in the heart of town. The three interesting museums this building hosts are the Tryggvi Ólafsson Art Collection, Jósafat Hinriksson’s Seafaring and Smithy Collection, and the Neskaupstaður Museum of Natural History. Three major summer festivals are held each year on the fjord, the first of which is Sailors’ Day, which is a three day festival and starts on or near the first weekend of June. The second festival is the Eistnaflug rock and heavy-metal festival, which takes place every year on the second weekend of July. The last of the festivals is Neistaflug, which is a family outdoor festival that is held together with the Barðsneshlaup run during the long holiday weekend that includes the first Monday of August every year. Neskaupstaður is one of the seven villages in the municipality of Fjarðabyggð.

Further information on the web:

General information

Address Víðimýri
ZIP / City 740 Neskaupstað
Tel +354 776 0061
Open between 15 May – 15 September

Service on site

Other Camping sites in East Iceland


735 Eskifjörður

15 May – 15 September



Viðskiptavinir athugið að áður auglýstir opnunartímar tjaldsvæða getur breyst með hliðsjón af tilmælum stjórnvalda um samkomubann.

Beðist er velvirðingar á þeim óþægindum sem þetta kann að hafa í för með sér.


Opening dates and hours of camping sites might be changed due to government action for COVID19.


Die Öffnungszeiten der Campingplätze können aufgrund staatlicher Maßnahmen für COVID19 geändert werden.
