Campingcard Iceland

West Iceland

Two of the largest bays of Iceland, Faxaflói bay and Breiðafjörður bay, are located in the western part of Iceland. The islands in Breiðafjörður bay are so numerous that for centuries it was thought to be impossible to count them all. The tallest mountain in this part of Iceland is the famous Snæfellsjökull glacier, of Jules Verne’s famous novel “Journey to the center of the earth“. 


311 Borgarnes

1 June - 31 August



Viðskiptavinir athugið að áður auglýstir opnunartímar tjaldsvæða getur breyst með hliðsjón af tilmælum stjórnvalda um samkomubann.

Beðist er velvirðingar á þeim óþægindum sem þetta kann að hafa í för með sér.


Opening dates and hours of camping sites might be changed due to government action for COVID19.


Die Öffnungszeiten der Campingplätze können aufgrund staatlicher Maßnahmen für COVID19 geändert werden.
