
Saga Travel Day Tours in Reykjavík

We are very excited to announce that Saga Travel will start operating day tours from Reykjavík on March 1st, that is next Tuesday! We have been preparing this operation all winter and can’t wait to start providing our services to travelers in Reykjavík, as well as Akureyri and Lake Mývatn. Our main office will of course be still located in Akureyri as it has been from day one.

Among tours that we will be operating from next Tuesday are Northern Lights Exploration Reykjavík and Golden Circle Afternoon & Northern Lights. This summer we will offer more tours, such as Kjölur Coast to Coast Highland Route, Golden Circle Afternoon & Evening and South Coast Nature Highlights.



Viðskiptavinir athugið að áður auglýstir opnunartímar tjaldsvæða getur breyst með hliðsjón af tilmælum stjórnvalda um samkomubann.

Beðist er velvirðingar á þeim óþægindum sem þetta kann að hafa í för með sér.


Opening dates and hours of camping sites might be changed due to government action for COVID19.


Die Öffnungszeiten der Campingplätze können aufgrund staatlicher Maßnahmen für COVID19 geändert werden.
